Sunday, March 25, 2007

of Secrets, Trust, and Power

So there I was in Starbucks reading my book (hmm.. come to think of it, I don't personally know anyone who goes to Starbucks alone to read a book. Read mind you, not study. Anyway...) when I read a passage where the author talks about secrets... and then boom. A question was posed for the struggling photographer: Whats the deal with secrecy? At least when it comes to normal people (as oppose to national security. ahehehe)

People will say that the subject of the secret is embarrassing or that people will get hurt if they find out. Whatever the reason is, it all boils down to one thing (and it is something that I wrote about for philosophy): Power... or the lack of it that is.

Think about it. There is power in keeping a secret. For the very nature of most secrets is to hide ones weakness. And whenever a person's secret comes out, his invulnerability is shattered. The whole world has become aware of it and is now judging him. Whatever power that person had has been stripped away.

So what does trust have to do with this philosophical episode of mine? For the people who knew my old blog, they know that I wrote an entry about trust. So for the benefit of those who dont know:

People nowadays have a twisted idea of trust. Using my example before, people believe that trust is like giving the password to your email address. I don't know about you but that, for me, does not show that you trust the person. It basically tells you that you have someone watching your every move. A police.

Isn't trust all about believing? to open yourself to the world (or in this case your significant other), dropping that guard of yours and leaving yourself vulnerable?

Trust is about allowing yourself to be vulnerable and believing that you will not be harmed.

This whole episode goes to show how people don't really trust the people they are with... or maybe they just know that they are the ones who broke the trust of the other. Or maybe people do not like feeling vulnerable. I wouldn't really know now would I?

Told you I think way too much.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I Think Way Too Much

The title is explanatory. A friend of mine once told me that the person that I try to analyze (and yes I do have the bad habit of analyzing people.. anyone and everyone) that s/he should be flattered that I spend that much time on that person... Strange.

My nightly regiment.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

New Beginnings

I decided to kill my first blog since I needed a fresh start. That drive to write died several months ago when all the depressing entries started (and the fact that I started taking photography seriously.)

Anyway, I still won't be talking about my day-to-day happenings (my way of keeping my private life public but as private as possible... if that made any sense.) What you will be seeing here are questions (and hopefully answers to them) that pop into my mind every so often (hence my title of the blog.) Once in a while I'll post a photo (a visual treat.. err i hope you see it that way). You'll also see entries that are similar to what I wrote before in the previous blog. Those are, i suppose, my favorites entries.

Enough of the intro. To start...

Just reminding you who the author is.

A night in a Hospital

My First Post! Ha!

I just realized just how gloomy a hospital can be late at night. Aside from the sick people (which, i should point out, is depressing enough), you also have the dark empty halls to contend with... and the eerie silence. It's ironic how a place where people get healed is the same place where you have the most fatalities (well, aside from a war-torn land.. and possibly prison). Just how many people die in a hospital everyday? Get the average and multiply that with the number of years that hospital has been running. Think about it...